September 30, 2009

It's been a slow week

I'm trying to keep my head up and stay focused on having a healthy pregnancy, but sometimes things get to me and I start over analyzing every detail. I feel a little overwhelmed by the way our OB appointment went last Friday and being asked to come back this Friday isn't helping to smoothe any of my fears out, but I can't live in my head like this. I still have a family to take care of and this way of thinking isn't helping any of us. So, I keep getting emails about what's happening with the baby this week and it drives me bonkers! First, because I know the day we conceived (aug 26th), and second, because each site says something different. So per the calendar I'm 5 weeks, but last friday the OB said 5 weeks and 6 days. Ugh. Which is it guys? Huh? We'll find out soon enough I suppose. Friday is fast approaching!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you get 2 "free weeks"! You count from the first day of your LMP, not conception. You're 7 weeks!
