April 12, 2010

I know, I know...

I'm so neglectful. Here we are at the end of this journey and I seem to have fallen off of the blogger's wagon. I need to get back into the habit because Addison will be here before we know it and I need to keep everyone posted...not to mention I need an archive of things past. We have been working vigourously on the nursery, just trying to get it baby-ready, and I think we've gotten to that point. If you're on facebook, you've already seen these pics, but for those of you who aren't here's a few shots...

This is her little lamp...

This is her wardrobe we refinished...love this.

This is her crib with all of her little birds...
Anyways, I think we are ready to have this baby. We're about 34 1/2 weeks along and I'll be ready for an induction at 38 weeks. We plan to deliver at Seton Williamson. It's so exciting, but I have to say, I'm really over the swollen feet and hands and the alien-inside feelings. I'd love to be one of the women who adore the "miracle of pregnancy", but let's just say it's like nature's birth control for me. The end result is what I'm in this for. So, before I forget, we finally announced baby Addison's middle name. She will be Addison Marie Hairell, named after her "Lola", or Aunt Susie, and her "Momo", or Josh's mommy. We announced it this weekend at our baby shower in front of both of the honored ladies. Before I forget, I need to say that Rachel did an amazing job of putting together our shower. From the super cute invites, to the bird nest cakes, she didn't leave any detail to chance. She's pretty rad. We didn't have quite the turn out that we expected, but that's ok because I got to spend some much needed time with Barbara and baby Campbell as well as my sweet family. Being around the few that were there made me really reflect about what's real and important in our lives, as well as our new addition's. We came home from the shower and started putting things up and away in the nursery and it just feels so much more complete. It was too funny to see Evan get out the bumbo seat that Stephanie got us and sit in it. He's so tiny that he fit! LOL!!! Anyways, I'll try to be more consistent with the updates...wish me luck if you don't hear from me soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a picture of Evan in the Bumbo! I agree- Rachel did a wonderful job- everything was so cute!
