November 1, 2010


Addybear is almost 6 months old!!! It's amazing how time flies.  It feels as though she's always been a part of us, and at the same time, like she just got here.  The last 6 months have been nothing less than amazing.  I never knew the kind of bond I would share with a daughter, but I'm so fortunate to have been given such an incredible gift!
Yesterday was Halloween and we celebrated by co-costuming with bubby, Evan.  He decided, at the last minute, that he wanted to Trick or Treat, so we decided to wrap him in kerlix like a mummy.  Addy had a black onesie with a pic of a mummy that said, "I love my mummy", so the co-costume was born.  We had several ideas for Addy's first Halloween costume like a bat, a cat napper, and a hotdog, but when Evan became a mummy so did little Addybear.  A little trick or treating and then home to watch Scared was perfect. 

Josh is such a turd, he said Addy looked like a little burn victim! Creep! Oh well, we knew what she was and we loved it!!!

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