September 13, 2009

I guess I should address the "parasite" thing

So, we tend to watch a lot programs that involve human health, naturally...we are (or are going to be ever so shortly) nurses. We've been on a "Monsters Inside of Me" kick on animal planet. We can't eat pork any more because of the chance of pork tapeworms that reside in your BRAIN!!! We've resolved to never travel off of the mainland because of the risk of bot fly eggs being injected into our scalp by those damn malaria-carrying mosquitoes and the list of things we can't bring ourselves to do goes on and on...and here we are with "Hairy", hosting off of my blood, my oxygen, my nutrients, my weird. Of course we aren't serious in feeling like "Hairy" is a parasite, more of a great gift we never expected, but we are we because of things like this. Welcome into our madness...sit down, stay a while...

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